An ordinary routine-of-life taught me an important lesson-for-life..
I was on my way to station for office to catch a Churchgate bound train and as usual 'Late'. As soon as i reached the station, i saw a train coming on the same platform on which i was standing. I was delighted on my luck and was happy that my time wont be wasted. The train stopped and all my expectations came to a standstill when i saw the crowd. People were already standing on the door with train completely hijacked and another ten people trying to get in. I lost all hopes of squeezing my way into the train.
I changed the platform to catch the next train and saw another one approaching the platform. Again i was bemused and I ran a bit this time and was easily in a position to get into the bogie as soon as it arrives. And it happened the same way as i expected this time. I got in! But then came the shock!!!!!
I got into the train 'very easily' but that train was not the one which will take me all the way to my destination. It was a Borivali bound train!!! Not even halfway of where i intend to reach!!!
Thus i experienced a VERY CRUCIAL lesson for life
"Easily achieved things do not stay longer . . .
& things which stay for long, cannot be 'easily' achieved."
True in all cases and all walks of life!!