Friday, March 4, 2011

Puzzled n stumped!

I found myself in a crowded room. There was electricity flowin through my body.. At the same time, i was feeling cold!
I looked around for something suspicious but all i could find was humans like me. Some of them were staring at me as if i have something that they wanted. But i knew i had nothing to offer. I closed my eyes n i felt i have achieved self-enlightenment! I always had to TRY keepin all d thoughts away whenever i used to meditate but this time, it was effortless. All i could see was complete darkness with an acute ray of light. I opened my eyes n my eyes were heavy as if i have travelled ages in those few moments. I checked things around me n all i could find was materialstic stuff. I still did not know what was i searching for or what was i tryin to remember. It seemed like all d non-essential memories were deleted from my brain. I was feeling better by every moment passing by. I saw others were checking their watches n some were murmuring something. I could not understand what they were saying as it was chanted with lighting speed.
But before i could come to a conclusion, another human appeared from nowwhere with a devil's smile holding a bunch of papers in d hand!!
Shit!! Shit shit shit!! M in d examination hall n those were the question papers. Now everything wat happened before made sense! I m screwed! Gotta study now, or else the only option i wud have after my results wud be either politician or Yoga guru!!
Catch u later.. Let me study for d remaining seconds left!!


  1. had read this article of yours 5 weeks back when you posted it. couldn't comment back then but brother its really awesome. it difficult to keep people thinking till the very last line. even after writing many articles i couldn't guess on which ride you were taking me. loved it.

  2. d start of d post was good ...u cud hv given a better end 2 it
