Friday, February 18, 2011

Bharosa rakh bhai...! (trust me brother)

A shooting star from the sky is mysterious. No one knows whether it came from heaven or originated from hell. No one knows if its good or bad. No one can ever know if their wish wil be fulfilled if they make one just after seeing a shooting star.
Yet we believe that its a good omen. Yet we believe that it wil fulfill our desires. It simply means d things or person about whom we know nothing, are considered more trustworthy. We question our dear ones a number of times for something that we assume according to our sensibilities. A shooting star is a wonderful sight from a distance but just go near it..;) it may make u feel like sitting in a furnace. But d persons who r close to our heart r difficult to trust as in case of a book, which is difficult to read when too close, but from a distance its perfectly readable. This is d dilemma that everyone faces in life. To trust or not to trust is always a question which does not have a straight answer. The question is whether you r ready to bear d pain of a probable breach of trust. So people generate their own ways. They say "i trust u partially" this is even worst then non-trust. This wil land u in double-trouble n you may loose out on something that you deserved.
For example- the shooting star can either be trusted or not trusted but it wont make a difference even if we dont. But if we trust it to fulfill our desires n secretly fear that it may not, that results into double-whammy. You stay into d grip of fear all d time n if wish is granted, it does not bring happiness .. It brings just a sigh of relief. So d wish was fulfiled but u stil remain unsatisfied as you could not taste d icecream as you were scared of cough n could .. So u take a medicine as a protection n finally manage to take one slice but d medicine made d taste even more dreadful:-P:-D
So i say.. Trust is always 100% or their is no trust at all. You cannot trust a person 99%. That wud come under d category of non trust. So always have d balls to trust someone COMPLETELY. And its not in case of your lover or friend or companion.. But it also applies to yourself. Trust yourself completely n never doubt ur ability. If YOU cannot trust Yourself, you cannot trust others. DONT LOOK OUT FOR SHOOTING STARS.. Be A SHOOTING STAR N FULFILL D WISH OF THOSE WHO MATTER TO YOU D MOST :) :) :)


  1. hmmm, Try to keep it bit crispy. If we explain everything with so many examples it give the feel of a text book reading. short and sweet but complete is appreciable.

  2. Some blogs wil be long.. Some wil be short (time travel)..

  3. call them posts...and a perfect balance of long and short makes a good post. i have learnt it after making lots of mistakes
