Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Blue-Eyed Girl!!

She is highly inflammable. She can be dangerous n she is d blue eyed girl.
If u ask her to dance, she wants a floor, good music n mood. If u ask her out then u need to be d perfect human being!
She is amazingly talented n suprisingly hard-working but completely lazy at times. She wil study according her own concept n still others may feel that she mugged up all. She is supremely confident n is always instinctive but never confused as she knows what she wants (n deserves more than that) from life.
She is not a gold-digger but instead has a midas-like-touch. She is completely an emotionally materialistic person n shrew to d core when situations demand. She has this amazing ability to suprise n shock in any situation n has a knack of bringing d rarest of smiles.
She can carry off even heavenly bodies as accessories with sublime ease n innocently wud say "huh" when somebody makes fun of her. She has lovable friends around which pamper her like a baby angel which may make any other girl jealous. But she is not jealous of other girls n if she is, then probably nobody in this world may find that out EVER!
A complete foodie which is not suprising considering where she comes from n never fears n extra flabs (though wil crib everyday specially while having food :-P) She respects intellect n dreads stupidity though performs it herself on a numerous occassion. Extremely stubborn n rigid at times but she can bend it like beckham wenevr she wants to! Stupendously passionate n destructively possessive. If u give her ur whole life, PROBABLY she may be satisfied but when she deserves every bit of it... Why not?!!
Exhibits orthodox behaviour in unorthodox situations n vice-a-versa. She is pretty , she is shy .. She is d one who can make a man cry .. She is poised , she is hostile but what can u do except to just try .. She is amiable , she is capable .. Highly toxic but still stable!! She is so hot , but she cares a lot .. No one can be like her cause she is d only one amongst d lot!!
I believe her, i trust her .. I know for a fact that she wil have an exuberating career!

I wanna go on n on but cant as m lucky enough to have d above girl in my life n still a lot needs to be explored.. So here i end as i feel short of words.. My blue-eyed Girl is waiting for me as i relish d sound of d humming birds!!!!!