Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Current Affairs!

Long Time .. No See ..
Well, I have been busy drafting Affidavits, Legal Notice, Applications, Written Statements of the Accused or Defendants, etc etc..
Some Ideas doing the round but either too lazy to pen it down or too busy to type it up!!
Hope to get back in action soon..
Hope to come back powerfully..
Hope, that I still may be able to write the posts which are humoured and interesting..


Thursday, June 16, 2011

A New Experience!

An ordinary routine-of-life taught me an important lesson-for-life..
I was on my way to station for office to catch a Churchgate bound train and as usual 'Late'. As soon as i reached the station, i saw a train coming on the same platform on which i was standing. I was delighted on my luck and was happy that my time wont be wasted. The train stopped and all my expectations came to a standstill when i saw the crowd. People were already standing on the door with train completely hijacked and another ten people trying to get in. I lost all hopes of squeezing my way into the train.
I changed the platform to catch the next train and saw another one approaching the platform. Again i was bemused and I ran a bit this time and was easily in a position to get into the bogie as soon as it arrives. And it happened the same way as i expected this time. I got in! But then came the shock!!!!!

I got into the train 'very easily' but that train was not the one which will take me all the way to my destination. It was a Borivali bound train!!! Not even halfway of where i intend to reach!!!
Thus i experienced a VERY CRUCIAL lesson for life
"Easily achieved things do not stay longer . . .
& things which stay for long, cannot be 'easily' achieved."
True in all cases and all walks of life!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mechanical Saint!!

Thousands of saints have attempted to bring people of different caste, religion, creed, strata of society closer to each other. But none have succeeded to an optimum level.
Conventional methods like preachings have failed to leave a considerable impact on society at large.

But one of the UNCONVENTIONAL group or organisation has succeeded in bringing people really close to each other. That organisation is known as RAILWAYS. From the last 150 yrs, they have successfully brought people closer. Close refers to literally very close. And "being close" is just an understatement.
And this 'closeness' is physical and emotional!!!
Anyone who does not agree with the physical aspect can just 'try' to travel in a Churchgate or CST bound train between morning 7 to 11am or in a Virar or Thane bound train from evening 5 to 9pm. The level of closeness to each other may prove to be "too close for comfort";)
Now comes the emotional aspect. You will realise that people in a certain bogie are like a big fat family. They trust each other and hence some travel on the footboard as they know that fellow passengers will not let them fall. They take care of each other's burden which they bring from the outside. They do fight occassionally but end up sitting right next to each other. They eat together, play together (cards generally) and most of the times engage in chanting and singing together.
The ladies of the family complete their personal work of makeup and breakup in the morning and some complete their social obligations of gossiping and bitching about others ladies in the evening. Some suprisingly have been found cutting vegetables to save time after reaching home..! Weird but True!!
The men of the family would discuss financial strategies and money matters in the morning and would plan about a party or just catch some sleep while on their way back in the evening.
Thus this one big *family on wheels* which sleeps, eats, plays, drinks and make love (not literally) within the four walls of a bogie.
Thus, MUMBAI LOCAL is not less than any saint tryin to bring people closer along with helping them to reach their divine destination!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Thinking. . . New Possibilities . . !

Beggars dont have choices. All they have is the passion for their job. They dont eat properly or sleep properly because its a necessity of their job. They follow the dresscode properly and they are very strict about the confidentiality of their job profile. As a gentleman, we should never ask them how much they earn. They work in their predefined limitations and still get the best out of it. They never take any weekoffs but instead work harder on holidays!! They maintain a balance between the professional and personal life perfectly. While working they keep their ego aside and focus solely on the job.
We have so much to learn from them and if we succeed to copy even few of the above qualities in our 'classy' jobs. . . Wont we be millionaires ???

Think about it . . .

Monday, March 14, 2011

Decision making.

Why is it so difficult to change ourselves for better?
Why do we resist change even after knowing that change is constant?
Why should we always be under constant scrutinity to check if we r on d right track?

Why is it that our heart is attracted towads d one who gives d maximum amount of pain?
Why do we care for each other even after knowing that no one can be trusted?
The answer can be either of d two-
1. We ourselves dont know whats best for us
2. Love!
We need to figure out what amount of love is appropriate for us.
We need to figure out whether its our ego that is important or whether our self respect.
We need to figure out this before its too late..
And d quickest way to figure this out by observation , experience and self learning!
This post is all bout the possibilities of avoiding incorrect decision making and also bout possibility of damage control as well!!


Life sometimes gifts you such wonderful persons that you wonder .. Am i really so special??
One such person is sent into my life .. The name is Vyas, Sanjay Vyas! A.k.a SANJU!!
A Wonderful personality . Currently lives in Jodhpur and he is 6ft 2 inch. A dream for majority of girls but this person is not much into flirting. Now i say, such a waste of resource :-P.
He's my big bro and he is extremely talented in writing poetry. Sings fairly decent n improving day-by-day. No wonder he features in my blog. Emotional to the core. Benefitial for people who know how to use people. His life revolves around his family n Me!
He juggles his wants n family wants day n night with added difficulty of criticisms but has always displayed his charismatic smile come what may..
I love him.. From d core.. N even from d sides as well ;-)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Puzzled n stumped!

I found myself in a crowded room. There was electricity flowin through my body.. At the same time, i was feeling cold!
I looked around for something suspicious but all i could find was humans like me. Some of them were staring at me as if i have something that they wanted. But i knew i had nothing to offer. I closed my eyes n i felt i have achieved self-enlightenment! I always had to TRY keepin all d thoughts away whenever i used to meditate but this time, it was effortless. All i could see was complete darkness with an acute ray of light. I opened my eyes n my eyes were heavy as if i have travelled ages in those few moments. I checked things around me n all i could find was materialstic stuff. I still did not know what was i searching for or what was i tryin to remember. It seemed like all d non-essential memories were deleted from my brain. I was feeling better by every moment passing by. I saw others were checking their watches n some were murmuring something. I could not understand what they were saying as it was chanted with lighting speed.
But before i could come to a conclusion, another human appeared from nowwhere with a devil's smile holding a bunch of papers in d hand!!
Shit!! Shit shit shit!! M in d examination hall n those were the question papers. Now everything wat happened before made sense! I m screwed! Gotta study now, or else the only option i wud have after my results wud be either politician or Yoga guru!!
Catch u later.. Let me study for d remaining seconds left!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bharosa rakh bhai...! (trust me brother)

A shooting star from the sky is mysterious. No one knows whether it came from heaven or originated from hell. No one knows if its good or bad. No one can ever know if their wish wil be fulfilled if they make one just after seeing a shooting star.
Yet we believe that its a good omen. Yet we believe that it wil fulfill our desires. It simply means d things or person about whom we know nothing, are considered more trustworthy. We question our dear ones a number of times for something that we assume according to our sensibilities. A shooting star is a wonderful sight from a distance but just go near it..;) it may make u feel like sitting in a furnace. But d persons who r close to our heart r difficult to trust as in case of a book, which is difficult to read when too close, but from a distance its perfectly readable. This is d dilemma that everyone faces in life. To trust or not to trust is always a question which does not have a straight answer. The question is whether you r ready to bear d pain of a probable breach of trust. So people generate their own ways. They say "i trust u partially" this is even worst then non-trust. This wil land u in double-trouble n you may loose out on something that you deserved.
For example- the shooting star can either be trusted or not trusted but it wont make a difference even if we dont. But if we trust it to fulfill our desires n secretly fear that it may not, that results into double-whammy. You stay into d grip of fear all d time n if wish is granted, it does not bring happiness .. It brings just a sigh of relief. So d wish was fulfiled but u stil remain unsatisfied as you could not taste d icecream as you were scared of cough n could .. So u take a medicine as a protection n finally manage to take one slice but d medicine made d taste even more dreadful:-P:-D
So i say.. Trust is always 100% or their is no trust at all. You cannot trust a person 99%. That wud come under d category of non trust. So always have d balls to trust someone COMPLETELY. And its not in case of your lover or friend or companion.. But it also applies to yourself. Trust yourself completely n never doubt ur ability. If YOU cannot trust Yourself, you cannot trust others. DONT LOOK OUT FOR SHOOTING STARS.. Be A SHOOTING STAR N FULFILL D WISH OF THOSE WHO MATTER TO YOU D MOST :) :) :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Punjabi tadka

Every culture has its own way of celebrating their occasions. Till now i had an acute knowledge of my own culture .. The rest was just an idea which i acquired via movies (which i love watching) and readings here n there. But i got an unprecedent opportunity to visit one of common friend's bro pre-wedding bash. She was a PUNJABI or rather a SARDAR n to everyone who does not know this(which i did not know before) there is a considerable difference between a Punjabi and a Sardar.
I was completely unaware of that until i actually reached d venue. I was told by my *friend* that its just a pre-wedding ritual ceremony but when i reached there , not only i realised that it was lavish n stylish but i was sooo underdressed for d occasion. I spent almost ten mins outside d actual venue just thinking should i enter should i run from there.Finally motivated myself by giving a lecture to my mind that looks n dressing does not matter n how u behave n what u think n blah blah blah n finally entered d arena!!
The first thing i noticed when i entered was all girls were really tall n all guys were wearing kurtas with their sleeves up.
The food was mouth as well as eyes-watering considering the level of spice!
Ladies were dressed at their best n everybody looked like my mom considering even my mom is well built n tall:-P.

We were threatened that if we dont have food now then we may not get it later even if its left. And i quickly grabbed a plate n filled d belly to d extreme.
Then there came d best part... THE D.J!! And to my surprise, i could only find females running to shake a leg which was unbelievable as i wud never see that in my world. Guys were dragged every now n then. I noticed an unforgettable scene.. The DJ was been played at its loudest n there was this small kid, sitting with spoons, chairs in front of him, trying to match d beats of the music. Its turned from funny to exhilarating when he pulled up another chair as two chairs were incompetent to match d beats of 400db of sound n d kid was so engrossed in doing so that he did not realise around 50 eyes from all directions watching him. That moment cannot be expressed in words. At that time, i actually got d literal meaning of LMAO!!!
That was one memory i took it with me while returning back. Looking forward for d actual marriage .. May god bless d lucky couple!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Blue-Eyed Girl!!

She is highly inflammable. She can be dangerous n she is d blue eyed girl.
If u ask her to dance, she wants a floor, good music n mood. If u ask her out then u need to be d perfect human being!
She is amazingly talented n suprisingly hard-working but completely lazy at times. She wil study according her own concept n still others may feel that she mugged up all. She is supremely confident n is always instinctive but never confused as she knows what she wants (n deserves more than that) from life.
She is not a gold-digger but instead has a midas-like-touch. She is completely an emotionally materialistic person n shrew to d core when situations demand. She has this amazing ability to suprise n shock in any situation n has a knack of bringing d rarest of smiles.
She can carry off even heavenly bodies as accessories with sublime ease n innocently wud say "huh" when somebody makes fun of her. She has lovable friends around which pamper her like a baby angel which may make any other girl jealous. But she is not jealous of other girls n if she is, then probably nobody in this world may find that out EVER!
A complete foodie which is not suprising considering where she comes from n never fears n extra flabs (though wil crib everyday specially while having food :-P) She respects intellect n dreads stupidity though performs it herself on a numerous occassion. Extremely stubborn n rigid at times but she can bend it like beckham wenevr she wants to! Stupendously passionate n destructively possessive. If u give her ur whole life, PROBABLY she may be satisfied but when she deserves every bit of it... Why not?!!
Exhibits orthodox behaviour in unorthodox situations n vice-a-versa. She is pretty , she is shy .. She is d one who can make a man cry .. She is poised , she is hostile but what can u do except to just try .. She is amiable , she is capable .. Highly toxic but still stable!! She is so hot , but she cares a lot .. No one can be like her cause she is d only one amongst d lot!!
I believe her, i trust her .. I know for a fact that she wil have an exuberating career!

I wanna go on n on but cant as m lucky enough to have d above girl in my life n still a lot needs to be explored.. So here i end as i feel short of words.. My blue-eyed Girl is waiting for me as i relish d sound of d humming birds!!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Time Travel...

Time is something which is considered as a pet of the almighty.(Remember-MAIN SAMAY HOON from the mythological tv serials)
Time has got wonderful powers.. To heal unseen wounds of d heart, to infuse d enrichment of experience n to change d course of nature as well.
Changing time is the only constant factor in this world!
Now this time has made me more mature.
I lost my blog's username n password for a considerable period of time.. Then suddenly recovered when going through d deleted mails of ma past. Opened my blog n read my previous blogs n realised that how immature i was before or i can even say how excited i was when i first started blogging. I poured my heart out in my first three blogs n later realised that i have nothing to say. Time played a trick n i lost my access to d blog. Then time made me mature n worthy enough to get back to blogging. Someone told me to write things n that when d quest for my access started.
Now m amazed how come no one asked me about my blogs till now n why didnt i feel the need or hunger to find it. Well the answer now is very simple.. The Time knows me more than i do n knows when i deserve what. Now i know the exact meaning of SAMAY SE PEHLE aur BHAGYA SE ADHIK, KISI KO KUCH BHI NAHI MIL SAKTA.
I experienced a time travel. A journey of my own life. A journey of my own understanding n own experiences. Now i have more confidence in what i write. Now i write it for my own self. I write because i WANT to write. I write because i know i CAN write. Time travel has made me a better person n a better blogger and my best is YET TO COME...